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Progeny Vampire

Progeny Vampire
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Progeny events


Alice in wonderland ball

Attention all Progeny residents! The Ushers Guild cordially invites you to follow the white rabbit and take a journey down to the wonderous underland through the rabbit hole. Dress up as your favorite Alice in wonderland character and join us… Read More »Alice in wonderland ball


Candy Heart

DREAMKIDS presents Candy Heart When: 14th Feb Time: 12 PM SLT Where: Progeny


The Art of the Werewolf

Under the glow of the full Wolf Moon, it’s where you’ll want to be—locked inside the Art IS Immortal Gallery! Join us on Sunday, January 12th, from 6-8 pm SLT, for a howling good time. Now showing, “The Art OF… Read More »The Art of the Werewolf

bloodsport ravage

Bloodsport Ravage

Blood Sport Ravage All Welcome, This will be using the ravage hud so all of the community may participate. Friday Jan 17, 12:30 pm slt. $3000L in prizes LM:


Raven’s Claw’s Rising Celebration

This day our Apeiron Oberon Eames was born in the world of second life. We celebrate 17 years at his beloved War Sim. January 19, 2 to 8 pm LM:


Eternal Love

Progeny Theater of Velvet Shadows present: Eternal Love Sunday February 16th 2025 14 SLT LM: